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한국 고미술 전시관

한국 고미술 상설전 


작품 정보

조선시대의 부유한 가정에서 귀중품을 보관한 각게수리이다. 

각게수리는 여닫이문 안쪽에 여러 개의 서랍을 설치해 귀중품을 보관하는 가구이다. 부유한 가정의 안방과 사랑방에서 귀중품을 보관하기 위해 쓰인 단층장 양식으로 약장으로도 사용되었다. 이 각개수리는 붉으스름한 색깔에 황동으로 경첩을 달아 고급스러운 느낌을 준다. 여닫이문 안쪽에는 먹으로 대나무와 나비, 학과 소나무가 섬세하고 아름답게 그려져 있다.


该顶柜是在推拉门内侧设置多个抽屉保管贵重物品的家具。在富裕家庭的里屋和厢房中保管贵重物品而使用的单层柜样式,也被用作药柜。 该顶柜红色,配有黄铜铰链,给人一种奢华的感觉。推拉门内侧用墨画着竹子和蝴蝶、鹤和松树,精巧细致。   

It is a crab repair that was used by wealthy families during the Joseon Dynasty to store valuables. Corner crab repair is furniture that stores valuables by installing multiple drawers inside the opening and closing doors. The single-storey yard, which was used to keep valuables in the inner and side rooms of wealthy families, was also used as a medicine cabinet. The repair of horned crab is a kind of Japanese cabinet, but in "The Remains of King Yeongjo of Joseon" published in 1951, the small chapter of "White Eye" in China was called "Gakbishri," indicating that wooden furniture was made in Joseon under the influence of China.  

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