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중국 전시관

중국 고미술 상설전 
관심 작품
  • 75
  • 금련천막부
  • 청화백자유금 인물문화구병
  • 원대(1271-1368) | 36.5×16.6×16.0cm
  • 2,392


작품 정보

구연부가 꽃처럼 벌어져 있고 목이 가늘며 어깨에 짐승 머리 모양의 두 귀가 달린 화구병이다. 몸체에는 파초와 모란이 있는 정원에 인물이 청화로 그려져 있고, 배경은 금으로 칠해져 있다. 굽 바닥에는 '금련천막부(金莲川幕府)'가 쓰여 있다. '금련천막부(金莲川幕府)'는 중국 군사 및 문무를 관장하는 원나라의 최고 관청이다. 역사상 가장 넓은 영토를 지배했던 칭기즈 칸의 손자인 쿠빌라이[忽必烈, 1215~1294]는 중국을 통일하며 원나라의 황제가 되었고 '천하의 모든 인재를 기용하겠다[征天下名士而用之]"는 취지로 금련천막부를 설치하였다. 유능한 몽골족과 한족 인재를 초청해 자문을 받아 원나라를 통치했으며 쿠빌라이부터 원순제까지 여섯 황제가 금련천막부에서 즉위식을 치렀다. 

瓶花口,束颈,肩部置两兽首耳。腹部用青花绘有芭蕉和牡丹的庭院里的人物图,背景镀一层金。外底署“幕府金莲川”款识,可以知道此瓶是十三世纪中期为了纪念中国的顺利统治而建立的金莲川的作品。 "金莲川幕府"是历史上统治领域最大的成吉思汗的孙子忽必烈(1215~1294年)在1251年为了征天下名士而用之而在河北省张家口市老掌沟村里建立的,是元朝最好的官府。在这个地方忽必烈招揽蒙古族和汉族人才而用之,这里从忽必烈时期一直延续到元顺帝时期,总共历经了六代皇帝。 

A vase with a flared mouth and slender neck. The shoulder is attached with two beast-head handles. The gold inlaid body is painted in underglaze blue with a figure in a garden of plantain and peony. The base is inscribed with a seal mark reading 'Mufu Jinjianchuan(金莲川幕府)', meaning that the work was for Jinlianchuan of the Yuan dynasty which was established in the mid 13th century for a smooth governing of China. 'Mufu Jinlianchuan' refers to the the Yuan dynasty's highest government office in Laozhanggou Village, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province. It was established by Kublai Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan who ruled the largest territory in human history, with the purpose of recruiting the world-renowned talents. In fact, Kublai Khan invited brilliant Mongolians and Han Chinese to this office to get their advice on governing the country. He also moved his headquarters to Dadu, now known as Beijing, in 1271. After conquering the Southern Song in 1279, he suppressed the remnants of the Khitan tribe and the Jin dynasty, finally unifying the country. The six emperors from Kublai to Toghon Temur were crowned here. Jin Lian Chuan is a historically important place where the civilization and the culture of the East and the West flourished in the Yuan dynasty. 


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